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Icon Medicine Family Practice

Patient Testimonials

Our team works hard to improve the services we offer, and our clients’ testimonials are proof that our hard work paid off. Read about our clients’ experiences in working closely with us.

11 responses to “Patient Testimonials”

  1. Seven year old Joey comes home from school and hands his dad a note from his teacher. There is pink eye going around and parents are advised to watch their children for signs. Sure enough, Joey wakes up several days later with symptoms of pink eye. Joey’s dad goes online and starts a virtual care visit, answering a series of questions and taking pictures to help a doctor assess his son’s condition. The doctor ends up confirming Joey’s case as pink eye and gives his dad the appropriate treatment plan and medication to get Joey back to perfect health.

  2. Liz thinks she’s developed a UTI again and is hoping to be prescribed the same medication that worked for her in the past without having to wait or schedule an appointment. With virtual care, she is able to complete an online interview within 10 minutes. Her doctor follows up via phone call to ask her some clarifying questions and she is given a diagnosis and treatment plan within the hour. Using virtual care Liz is able to seek out high quality care, receiving her prescription from the safety and privacy of her own home.

  3. Mike is a sophomore in college who starts to feel sick in the midst of finals. His roommate just got over the flu and now Mike thinks he may have it too. Their campus urgent care center is packed and waiting times for clinics are wildly long. Luckily, he’s able to log on and use virtual care to get diagnosed right from his dorm room. Mike gets quick, convenient treatment that helps him get back on his feet faster and avoids the hassle of overcrowded clinics in the middle of flu season.

  4. Zoey, a mom with three children under the age of 5, is getting ready to take her kids to daycare when her oldest, Max, starts complaining of an earache. Her husband is out of town, her sitter is busy during the day, and she doesn’t have time to take off work to take him to see their primary care doctor. After dropping her daughters Stella and Lucy off at daycare, Zoey completes a quick 10-minute online interview on Max’s behalf and he’s diagnosed with an ear infection within the hour. He is prescribed medication, which Zoey can immediately send to their nearest pharmacy through the virtual care platform. Max is diagnosed and prescribed medication from the comfort of the family home – no time off work for mom and less chance of infecting Stella and Lucy.

  5. “The simplicity! The CLEAR explanation of diagnosis. So glad to keep my germs to myself, and not come in contact with more germs at a clinic!”

  6. “This service was incredibly fast and helped me get the antibiotic I needed. It was amazing to get a diagnosis and prescription on New Year’s Day without waiting at an urgent care facility for 2 hours. I was able to start the antibiotic and didn’t have to miss any work. Hands down, I will use this service again for whatever treatments I can.”

  7. “I didn’t know I would be able to upload photos. I felt more confident in the analysis because the condition was actually seen in photos. I also didn’t know that there would be no charge if the treatment plan indicated I needed to be seen in person (which it did) – so basically, there was no loss to me in trying the Online service first- SUPER convenient!”

  8. “It was so easy. I grew up thinking we would be like the Jetson’s by now. No flying cars but being able to have a virtual appointment where I received a diagnosis and my prescription sent to the pharmacy was amazingly easy and stress free. Thank you for having this service! I plan on sharing this service with my coworkers.”

  9. “I did not know what to expect with an online visit but was extremely pleased with my experience. The assessment and diagnosis were quick and the diagnosis was accurate. The prescription was sent to my pharmacy and I was able to pick up my medications within a few hours. I will definitely utilize this service again.”

  10. “I knew it was my child’s eczema that was getting worse, it was so nice to be treated for it without having to haul my kiddos into the clinic!!! I felt heard!”

  11. “Sitting here in shock that it was so easy. I just finished my first visit and within minutes I received my care plan and my prescription was sent to the nearby pharmacy.”

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